Clutch-LaVista NE-9.24.24

2024-Sep-24-Clutch-The Astro-LaVista-Bob

Clutch at The Astro in LaVista, Nebraska on September 24, 2024.

Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine Contributor, Bob DeHart Photography

It was a great night in LaVista, Nebraska if you are Clutch fan. Clutch is currently on a co-headlining tour with Rival Sons and made their stop at the Astro Theater in LaVista. It was a big, loud, and energetic crowd. And a majority of them seemed to be there for Clutch specifically.  I have been a very casual fan of Clutch over the years. Always loving what I heard from them but never having the opportunity to see them live, until now. I was eager to see them live because my friends that love them assured me that seeing them live would seal the deal for me.

I went on Spotify before the show and was listening to some of their songs, familiar and some new ones to prepare myself for the show. My curiosity got the best of me and I started reading their bio on their page. The line that stuck with me was this, “To love Clutch is to a feel a sense of ownership, membership, and belonging”. What I experienced on this night, was exactly that.

The Clutch fans came out in force and they showed the love and ownership for sure. At times it was like they were synchronized in their movements with the band. I couldn’t help but feel like an outsider as I watched, being the casual fan that I am. But I will say it was awesome to watch. I always get a kick out of watching fans who are loyal to their bands and support them with undying love.

As for the show itself, Clutch was amazing. Lead vocalist Neil Fallon has a unique stage presence and seems to have a special connection with the audience. When you have been around as long as Clutch has making a set list becomes much more complicated. They hit on all eras of the band playing songs like “Mercury”, “The Mob Goes Wild”, “The Elephant Riders”, and the set closing “Earth Rocker”.

It was a great night for sure and I’m glad I was there. Clutch gained at least one new fan in me that night. There’s a reason they have lasted this long and have such a strong following. The Two Headed Monster is just getting rolling so there will be lots of opportunities to see this show. I recommend you get out there and see it!  

2024-Sep-24-Clutch-The Astro-LaVista-Bob
2024-Sep-24-Clutch-The Astro-LaVista-Bob

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Bob DeHart Photography in York, Nebraska. ©2024.

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